Full Body Training Program


The Full Body Training Plan is an intermediate/advanced 4-day training plan aimed at individuals (catering for both males & females) seeking a high frequency, hypertrophy-focused program to build muscle and burn fat.

The program utilises full body training - which means more weekly volume but also means higher quality volume. More volume causes more growth (according to the latest scientific literature) so if a higher training frequency allows you to perform more higher quality volume, that should lead to more growth (up to a certain point) and I have experienced this myself with the full body program. The program includes 4 high-volume workouts that can be repeated over and over as you progressively overload (I recommend running it for at least 8 weeks).


  • Full guide on how to calculate your calories/macros

  • Supplementation advice

  • 4 day high volume training split

    & more!

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