8 Week Upper/Lower Program


The 8 Week Upper/Lower Build Up Program is an intermediate/advanced 4-day training plan aimed at individuals (catered for both males and females) seeking the most optimal levels of strength and muscle development whilst burning fat.

The program utilizes a 2x per week training frequency and allows for at least 2 days of recovery between sessions, which will cause sufficient muscle stimulation to spark muscle protein synthesis and signal for hypertrophy more frequently. One cycle of the program lasts 8 weeks (the program can be repeated over and over).


  • Full guide on how to calculate your calories/macros

  • Supplementation advice

  • 8 week full training program

    & more!

The program features RPE-based training as a tool to overload.

  • Day 1: Upper Body

  • Day 2: Lower Body

  • Day 3: Rest

  • Day 4: Upper Body

  • Day 5: Lower Body

  • Day 6: Rest

  • Day 7: Rest

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